Exam Time!😫

 Hello Readers,

Welcome to my blog.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein
"Exams are not for everyone. You could be the brightest bulb in the box and still not shine as brightly in exams."

Exams are being considered as STUDENTS FEAR...Of course, they are but the question is should they must have the fear or should not have even a single effect of fear?
Exam time is a high-stress period, which can cause anxiety and trigger several
physical illnesses. Therefore, students should not only study hard but also exercise regularly.

Whatever, Actually, it's upon the student, How he/She take the condition by his/her own way. But the thing is parents in India were so much conscious about their child or maybe children's they just want to make him get a job by cracking the exams, No matter whether he/she is interested in that field or not!
Let me give you a real-life story of one of my friends who is no more nowπŸ˜₯

A resident of Chittor (Rajasthan) who was wishing to be an engineer especially a software engineer, Goes to KOTA (Rajsthan) for his engineering entrance exam preparation namely IIT-JEE in class 11. He performs very well in his studies and was in the top 10 of the rank list of class tests. Even sometimes Rank 1 as well. and he entered class 12 by Flying colors. Although his class 10 results were not so good (he scored 80 %) but he decided to do lots of hard work as his younger brother (Cousin) was with him as a roommate and they both were performing well...
Suddenly the year 2020 came with a big deal to the students...YES, It was the coronavirus.
His Younger brother passes that year somehow with good marks and got admission to one of the good engineering colleges in Jaipur. Now the roommates change but moreover after few classes he has to come back to his house in Chittoor. He tried to study but his friends, Childrens nearby and some cousins didn't make him study so far. He tried his level best but can't do it.
With the same stream by taking a few online classes and giving tests he realizes that he is getting out of the line of the competition slowly and gradually.
His father forces him to leave whatever he was doing and started doing B-Sc /B-Ed By giving one of the exams which were considered easy in comparison to IIT JEE but he was not at all interested in that. Although he doesn't neglect his father, he was still preparing for Jee.
Now the time of EXAM came which was the first step- JEE MAINS and he gave exams and unfortunately got just 68 percentile...
He got demotivated but somehow prepare for the next attempt...But got 83 percentile and then 89 percentile and he got failed in that.
Now he tries to take any of the private colleges but he didn't get any good ones.
Thus finally he got depressed as lots of pressure was there from his parent's side and he did what he should not do...
He jumps off from his coaching institute and left us forever...😒

Thus no matter whether you can perform well in any of the fields just give your 100% and left the result on the god. Don't get depressed as there are lots of other fields in which you could perform even better but the thing is you have to find that.
So, People do whatever you are interested in and enjoy your only single LIFE...

With great regards,
God Bless you all and


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